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What Our Families Say...

"We are so grateful to have found her!"

Master Curiel has a fantastic rapport with children of all ages. Her sense of humor and play combined with high expectations ensure children learn both basics and more advanced skills in a fun and challenging manner. Our children have shown improvement with athletic skills, flexibility, and behavior at home thanks to Master Curiel. We are so grateful to have found her!


Kristina Stallings, Tiny Turtles & Eagles Program

"She teaches technique along with the essential character traits of self-discipline, respect, and honor."

My 4 year old began Tae Kwon Do with Master Curiel as part of the Little Ninja's program through the Fairfax County Parktakes in January 2016. He was 3 when he started and began with a parent participation class. He has gained confidence, discipline, strength and flexibility, improved attention/listening skills, and respect through this program. Our family is very pleased with the structure and fun provided by Master Curiel. [Her] love of children truly shines through!


UPDATED 11/19: [Legacy Martial Arts] in the Saratoga Shopping Center in Springfield is one of a kind! Master Curiel’s passion for teaching is so evident in every lesson. She truly wants her students to learn both the physical and mental aspects of martial arts. Her classes are highly engaging, challenging, and most importantly fun for kids of all ages! She teaches technique along with the essential character traits of self-discipline, respect, and honor. I have two children and both have benefited from her classes. My 7 year old has been taking her classes for over 3 years and my 5 year old over a year now. They both love TKD and Master C!


Tina Diamond, Training Tigers Program & Eagles Program

"Step-by-step, the students become leaders." 

My daughter started Jhoon Rhee Beginnings TKD classes with Master Curiel when she was 5, last year (2015). She is in her second session and loves every minute! I love the format Master Curiel establishes for her students. Step-by-step, the students become leaders. She provides weekly Good Habits Homework that the students can complete during the week, and encourages the students to continue those good habits, indefinitely! They learn the student creed, but most importantly, they become that student creed. It's a building block of strength, honesty, and knowledge (and she makes it fun for them). What a fantastic foundation for the children (and their parents) to have as they navigate this world we live in.


Juanita Draetta, Training Tigers Program

"We love that she teaches physical fitness, focus, and the foundation of Tae Kwon Do."

Our three year old LOVES taking Tae Kwon Do with Master Curiel! We have signed her up for other Parktakes classes including swimming and gymnastics and this is hands down her favorite. Master Curiel is a pro at keeping the classes different and engaging and is absolutely fantastic with the kids: energetic, patient, and able to inspire the class. We love that she teaches physical fitness, focus, and the foundation of Tae Kwon Do. I highly recommend the class and Master Curiel in particular! 


Christine Chow, Panda & Parent (Parent Participation Class)

"I love the emphasis on respect for others and focus, he loves the physical fitness. "

My 5 year old son has been attending classes for the last six months and it has been great! I love the emphasis on respect for others and focus, he loves the physical fitness. The good habits homework has been a great way to encourage smart choices without nagging - he wants to eat vegetables, and go to bed on time because it helps make him strong. Our 3 year old daughter asked to start after seeing her brother learn the student creed and practice kicking. She started a few weeks ago and loves it too.


Steven Jones, Panda & Parent/ Training Tigers Programs

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